sábado, 19 de enero de 2013


Consejos para lidiar con el tinnitus

Los siguientes consejos lo ayudarán a lidiar con el tinnitus y sus efectos:
  • Hacer uso del sonido. Un audífono amplifica el sonido del ambiente; y por ende, hace que el tinnitus sea menos irritable.
  • Evitar el silencio. Por ejemplo, prender la radio o escuchar música cuando uno se encuentra en un ambiente de silencio.
  • Evitar el uso excesivo de alcohol, nicotina, cafeína u otro tipo de analgésicos.
  • Evitar la ingesta de alimentos que posean mucha sal, dado que pueden empeorar los efectos del tinnitus.
  • Tratar de ser activo físicamente o permitirse algunos recesos durante un día agitado.
 Fuente: http://www.widex.com.ar/

Conferencia Internacional TRI sobre acúfenos, en Valencia, España

7th International TRI Tinnitus Conference
Tinnitus: A Treatable Disease
Organized by the Tinnitus Research Initiative Foundation and
Hospital Clínico Universitario, University of Valencia, Spain
When: May 15 - 18, 2013
Where: SH Valencia Palace Hotel, Paseo Alameda 32
46023 Valencia, Spain
For registration and abstract submission
please visit our meeting website
Deadline for abstract submission: February 1st 2013! Call for Abstracts !
Submit an abstract for presenting a poster or giving a talk.
 Deadline for early registration (reduced registration fee): February 1st 2013.

Congreso mundial de otorrinolaringologia IFOS Seoul 2013


Dear Colleagues and Friends

It is our great honor to invite you to the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS), which will be held from June 1 to 5, 2013 at the COEX Convention and Exhibition Center in Seoul, Korea.

Under the energetic guide of the IFOS Program Advisory Committee, the groundbreaking scientific program will remain faithful to the pattern established in past IFOS World Congresses, while incorporating innovative new elements and technology to provide a lively and compelling educational experience.

For those seeking to expand their knowledge of the field and learn about the most up-to-date advancements and discoveries, the IFOS Seoul 2013 cannot be missed. We are also planning special social and tour programs which will give participants a wonderful taste of our unique Korean culture to entertain you and your family during and after the Congress.

We are filled with great excitement and anticipation for what is sure to be an unforgettable and valuable experience.
It is our sincerest hope that, as in past Congresses, IFOS Seoul 2013 will bring all of us together to share in the common goal of advancing and developing the field of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

With tremendous support from the Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (KORL) and the Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngologic Clinician (KOSOC), the organizing committee will deliver the most dynamic and invigorating congress to all of you. We are filled with great excitement and anticipation for what is sure to be an unforgettable and valuable experience.

It is our sincerest hope that, as in past Congresses, IFOS Seoul 2013 will bring all of us together to share in the common goal of advancing and developing the field of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.


viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

Tratamiento combinado para la enfermedad de Meniere Intratable

Long-term results of endolymphatic sac drainage with local steroids for intractable Meniere's disease

  • Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan



Meniere's disease is a common inner ear disease characterized by vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus. 

Since Meniere's disease is thought to be triggered by an immune insult to inner ear hydrops, we examined endolymphatic sac drainage with intra-endolymphatic sac application of large doses of steroids for intractable Meniere's patients and observed long-term results from 2 years to over a decade until 13 years.


Between 1998 and 2009, we enrolled and assigned 286 intractable Meniere's patients to two groups: group-I (G-I) included patients who underwent endolymphatic sac drainage with steroid instillation and group-II (G-II) included those who declined endolymphatic sac drainage. Definitive spells and hearing improvement in these two groups were determined for 2–13 years after treatment.


According to the established criteria, vertigo was completely controlled in 88% of patients in G-I in the 2nd year, in 73% in the 12th year and in 70% in the 13th year. These results in G-I were significantly better than those in G-II for 13 years after treatment. 

Hearing was improved in 49% of patients in G-I in the 2nd year, in 27% in the 12th year and in 25% in the 13th year. 

These results in G-I were significantly better than those in G-II for 12 years after treatment, but this was not significant in the 13th year.


Endolymphatic sac drainage with intra-endolymphatic sac application of large doses of steroids could improve long-term follow-up results of hearing as well as vertigo control. 

This means that the drainage with local steroids could also improve patients’ long-term quality in the prime of life.

Figure from this article:
Full-size image (88 K)
Fig. 1. Intra-operative photographs of endolymphatic sac decompression with intra-endolymphatic sac steroids (right ear). (A) The endolymphatic sac was opened with an L-shaped incision made along the posterior and distal margins of the lateral wall. (B) The endolymphatic sac was filled with 20 mg of prednisolone. (C) A bundle of absorbable gelatin films with fan- and stick-shaped ends were prepared and the fan-shaped end was inserted into the sac. (D) Small pieces of absorbable gelatin sponge soaked in a high concentration of dexamethasone were placed inside and outside the sac lumen.

Fuente:  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0385814612002325

Afiche para acúfenos de la British Tinnitus Association

Acúfenos, sección acúfenos en las artes: Teatro Contemporaneo

Jorge Aravena sufre de tinnitus


Pedro Enrique Malavé

Jorge Aravena, actor peruano-venezolano, informó a TVnotas que padece de un trastorno de la audición llamado tinnitus.
Dicha enfermedad le ha causado una severa infección que afecta ambos oídos y que de no tratarse debidamente podría dejarlo sordo.

Aravena reconoció que no acudió al médico a tiempo y por eso ahora está muy nervioso pues los médicos le han informado que su tímpano está roto y es muy poco lo que se puede hacer.

Confesó que a raíz de esta situación  “ya no puedo escuchar a mis compañeros…lo que he aprendido ahora es a leerles los labios sin verlos a los ojos, así voy afirmando lo poco que escucho,… entro en pánico y me causa mucha molestia, me cambia el humor y hasta he llorado cada vez que lo pienso, me desespero. Esto es difícil”.
Actualmente Jorge interpreta a Elias en “Porque el amor manda” junto a otros actores como Fernando Colunga, Blanca Soto, Erick Elías y Claudia Álvarez.

Fuente: http://pedroenriquemalave.bligoo.com.ve/jorge-aravena-sufre-de-tinnitus

Nota de la redaccion del Centro de Acufenos Buenos Aires:  Si la informacion que se transcribe es certera, una perforacion timpanica secundaria a infeccion del oido medio, se puede controlar con tratamiento apropiado, con medicacion primero para controlar la infección (antibioticos,descongestivos) y luego con cirugia (timpanoplastia) para reparar el tímpano y el resto del contenido del oido medio que estuviera afectado, lograndose muchas veces mejorar o curar el proceso y recuperar audición, este mismo tratamiento por añadidura puede mejorar los acufenos (o tinnitus)