The aim of this study was to outline the psycho-pathological characteristics of a population of outpatients affected by tinnitus and to consider its impact on their mental state and ability to function in major areas of their lives.
Seventy-five consecutive tinnitus patients were enrolled on their first visit to the outpatients clinic of the Audiology Department of the 'Federico IF University of Naples, for audiological and psychiatric evaluation. A series of audiometric and vestibular tests was performed for tinnitus rating assessment, and further information was obtained from the patient via a semi-structural interview. For the psychopathological examination, patients underwent the Mini International Neuropsy-chiatric Interview (MINI), by means of which a multiaxial diagnosis (five axes) was expressed, according to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). For a better understanding of the personality aspects, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) test was administered to a subgroup of 55 subjects whose cultural background permitted their full cooperation.
The results of the study show that 58 subjects (77% of the total) met the criteria for psychiatric disorder diagnosis, according to the DSM-IV system: Axis I comprises anxiety, affective and somatoform disorders and psychoses; Axis II comprises personality disorders. Multiple diagnoses were expressed in some subjects. The findings of the examination via MMPI show a high percentage of depression, hysteria, and hypochondria. Although we are not seeking to establish a cause-effect relationship between the unpleasant experience of tinnitus and psychopathological disorders, our findings are consistent with those of other authors. Tinnitus can indeed have severe consequences for the subject's ability to function in many areas of their life.
In this paper, the implications of such results for the diagnosis and therapy of tinnitus are discussed.
Fuente: Informa Wolrld. Healthcare
Authors: E. Marciano a; L. Carrabba a; P. Giannini a; C. Sementina a; P. Verde a; C. Bruno a; G. Di Pietro a; N. G. Ponsillo a
Affiliation: a Department of Neurosciences and Behavioural Sciences, University of Naples 'Federico II', Naples, Italy
DOI: 10.3109/14992020309056079
Publication Frequency: 11 issues per year
Published in: journal International Journal of Audiology, Volume 42, Issue 1 2003 , pages 4 - 9
Subjects: Audiology; Rehabilitation Medicine;
Formats available: PDF (English)
Previously published as: Audiology (0020-6091) until 31 December 2001
Previously published as: International Audiology (0538-4915) until 1971
Also incorporating: Scandinavian Audiology
Also incorporating: British Journal of Audiology
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