OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To compare self-reported symptoms of
difficulty hearing speech in noise and hyperacusis in adults with auditory
processing disorders (APDs) and normal controls; and to compare self-reported
symptoms to objective test results (speech in babble test, transient evoked
otoacoustic emission [TEOAE] suppression test using contralateral noise).
DESIGN: A prospective case-control pilot study.
METHODS: Twenty-two
participants were recruited in the study: 10 patients with reported hearing
difficulty, normal audiometry, and a clinical diagnosis of APD; and 12 normal
age-matched controls with no reported hearing difficulty.
All participants
completed the validated Amsterdam Inventory for Auditory Disability
questionnaire, a hyperacusis questionnaire, a speech in babble test, and a
TEOAE suppression test using contralateral noise.
RESULTS: Patients had
significantly worse scores than controls in all domains of the Amsterdam
Inventory questionnaire (with the exception of sound detection) and the
hyperacusis questionnaire (P < .005). Patients also had worse TEOAE
suppression test results in both ears than controls; however, this result was
not significant after Bonferroni correction.
Strong correlations were observed
between self-reported symptoms of difficulty hearing speech in noise and speech
in babble test results in the right ear (? = 0.624, P = .002), and between
self-reported symptoms of hyperacusis and TEOAE suppression test results in the
right ear (? = -0.597 P = .003).
CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant
correlation between the two tests.
A strong correlation was observed between
right ear speech in babble and patient-reported intelligibility of speech in
noise, and right ear TEOAE suppression by contralateral noise and hyperacusis
Fuente: Laryngoscope 2012;Vol 122(7):1609 14
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