sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Acúfenos: Nuevo ejemplar del boletin de la Tinnitus Research Initiative

Dear friends and colleagues,

We want to inform you about the latest news in tinnitus research.In order to download the 15th TRI Newsletter please use the following link:
Tinnitus Research has evolved remarkably in the last years. Year after year there
are more publications dealing with tinnitus, and - probably even more important - the
methodological and scientific quality of research improved enormously. It is impressive
how many tinnitus studies appeared in the last three months in most prestigious journals
such as Journal of Neuroscience, Neuron or Nature. Thus tinnitus as a research topic
reached the best labs and the brightest minds, a development which is also reflected
by a tinnitus symposium at the last year's Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. This
means that tinnitus has finally reached the stage where it has become a scientifically
acceptable and intellectually interesting matter to study.
This development is of fundamental importance for all patients suffering from tinnitus,
since the better the underlying mechanisms are understood, the higher the chances
for more effective treatments in the near future. In addition, from a mere statistical
point of view this change is also important. Many more young bright researchers will
start investigating this enigmatic symptom, increasing the chances that someone will
be bright or lucky enough to make a real breakthrough. Once a critical mass of highly
motivated young people start investigating the problem, a final solution is more likely.
Although initially probably not every single person suffering from tinnitus will find a cure,
an increasing number of patients will find relief over time.
It is one of the main priorities of TRI to communicate these latest research results.
Thus we decided to add an additional section to the newsletter, where we inform about
recent research highlights. You will find an overview of this new section below.
The amount of new high quality research is also the motivation for the motto of this
year's TRI Meeting: "The Neuroscience of Tinnitus". We invite all of you to join us
in Buffalo in August to share the most recent research results and to discuss future
research directions and implications for clinical management. As usual you can find more
detailed information regarding the meeting on the TRI website www.tinnitusresearch.org
Let us embrace this wonderful scientific momentum and work even harder and together,
basic scientists and clinicians alike, to find a solution.
Berthold Langguth            Ana Belén Elgoyhen                Dirk de Ridder

Kaltenbach JA. Tinnitus: Models and mechanisms. Hear Res. 2010. Epub ahead of print.A comprehensive review covering the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying tinnitus
Noreña AJ. An integrative model of tinnitus based on a central gain controlling neural sensitivity.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2010 Nov 19.
Epub ahead of print.Integrating findings from basic and clinical research Arnaud Norena proposes a testable model
for tinnitus generation.
Roberts LE, Eggermont JJ, Caspary DM, Shore SE, Melcher JR, Kaltenbach JA. Ringing ears: the
neuroscience of tinnitus. J Neurosci. 2010;30(45):14972-9.
Reviewing the neuroscience of tinnitus the latest findings from various methods are presented.
Leaver AM, Renier L, Chevillet MA, Morgan S, Kim HJ, Rauschecker JP. Dysregulation of limbic
and auditory networks in tinnitus. Neuron. 2011;69(1):33-43.
This imaging study highlights the importance of audio-limbic interactions in the pathophysiology
of tinnitus.
Ortmann M, Müller N, Schlee W, Weisz N. Rapid increases of gamma power in the auditory cortex
following noise trauma in humans. Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Dec 29.
Epub ahead of print.Rock musicians after band practice were investigated with MEG to identify the neuronal
correlates of transient tinnitus following noise trauma.
Gu JW, Halpin CF, Nam EC, Levine RA, Melcher JR. Tinnitus, diminished sound-level
tolerance, and elevated auditory activity in humans with clinically normal hearing sensitivity. J
Neurophysiol. 2010;104(6):3361-70.
This fMRI study differentiates tinnitus- and hyperacousis related abnomalities of sound evoked
auditory pathway activity.
Muehlmeier G, Biesinger E, Maier H. Safety of Intratympanic Injection of AM-101 in Patients with
Acute Inner Ear Tinnitus. Audiol Neurootol. 2011;16(6):388-397.
First results from a pilot trial investigating topical administration of a NMDA receptor antagonist
for the treatment of acute tinnitus.
Suckfuell M, Althaus M, Ellers-Lenz B, Gebauer A, Goertelmeyer R, Jastreboff PJ, Moebius HJ,
Rosenberg T, Russ H, Wirth Y, Krueger H. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of neramexane in patients with moderate to severe
subjective tinnitus. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord. 2011;11(1):1.
Neramexane, an antagonist at α9α10 cholinergic nicotinic receptors and N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptors shows efficacy in the treatment of tinnitus in this phase II study.
Bauer CA, Brozoski TJ. Effect of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy on the Loudness and Annoyance of
Tinnitus: A Controlled Trial. Ear Hear. 2010 Sep 30.
Epub ahead of print.This controlled clinical demonstrated that both TRT and general counseling without additional
sound therapy are effective in reducing the annoyance and impact of tinnitus.
Hesser H, Weise C, Westin VZ, Andersson G. A systematic review and meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials of cognitive-behavioral therapy for tinnitus distress. Clin Psychol
Rev. 2010 Dec 23. Epub ahead of print.
This meta-analysis concludes that CBT is an effective treatment of tinnitus distress. However
there are only few large-scale, well-controlled trials.
Hobson J, Chisholm E, El Refaie A. Sound therapy (masking) in the management of tinnitus in
adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Dec 8;12:CD006371.
This Cochrane meta-analysis failed to show strong evidence of the efficacy of sound therapy in
De Ridder D, Vanneste S, Kovacs S, Sunaert S, Menovsky T, van de Heyning P, Møller A.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and extradural electrodes implanted on secondary auditory
cortex for tinnitus suppression. J Neurosurg. 2011 Jan 14. Epub ahead of print.
Here clinical results from transcranial magnetic and intracranial electrical stimulation of the
auditory cortex in a large series of 43 patients are reported.
Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhang X. Auditory Cortex Electrical Stimulation Suppresses Tinnitus in Rats. J
Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2010 Nov 6. Epub ahead of print.
This animal study demonstrates that auditory cortex electrical stimulation suppresses
behavioural evidence of tinnitus in rats.
Engineer ND, Riley JR, Seale JD, Vrana WA, Shetake JA, Sudanagunta SP, Borland MS, Kilgard MP.
Reversing pathological neural activity using targeted plasticity. Nature. 2011 470(7332):101-104.
By combining specific auditory stimulation with vagal nerve stimulation these researchers were
able to reverse both behavioural evidence and neuronal correlates of tinnitus in rats.

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