viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Hiperacusia: Sección: relación entre hiperacusia, ideación magica y alucinaciones auditivas

Magical ideation and hyperacusisnext term

Stéphanie Dubala and Isabelle Viaud-Delmona, b, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author
aHôpital de la Salpêtrière, CNRS – UPMC UMR 7593, Paris, France
bIRCAM, Paris, France
Received 20 December 2007; 
revised 19 March 2008, 20 June 2008; 
accepted 26 June 2008. 
Available online 14 June 2008.


The subjective experience conferred by auditory perception has rarely been addressed outside of the studies of auditory hallucinations.

The aim of this study is to describe the phenomenology of auditory experiences in individuals who endorse magical beliefs, but do not report hallucinations.

We examined the relationship between subjective auditory sensitivity and a ‘psychotic-like’ thinking style. previous termHyperacusisnext term questionnaire scores were compared between 25 high scoring participants on Chapman's magical ideation (MI) scale, 25 high scoring participants on Chapman's physical anhedonia scale and 25 control participants, pre-selected from a large student pool (n = 1289).

The participants who obtained high scores on the MI scale rated their auditory sensitivity higher than the two other groups.

Our results indicate that, in healthy subjects, subjective auditory sensitivity is associated with MI without the mediation by anxiety commonly observed in pathological cases.

We propose that previous termhyperacusisnext term associated to high scores of MI may be a predispositional factor to deviant auditory experiences.

The relative uncoupling of perception from auditory sensory input may result in a central hypersensitivity, which could play a role in triggering off the experience of auditory hallucinations.

Keywords: Magical ideation; previous termHyperacusisnext term; Schizotypy; Auditory hypersensitivity; Auditory hallucinations

Fuente: Cortex Volume 44, Issue 10, November-December 2008, Pages 1379-1386
Special Issue on "Neuropsychology of Paranormal Experiences and Beliefs"

Corresponding Author Contact InformationCorresponding author. CNRS – UPMC UMR 7593, Pavillon Clérambault, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, 47, Bd de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France.

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